Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Stage Six

After scimming through a couple of my classmates blogs, I found one that concerned college tuitions. Since this is the reason why I am in a community college rather than UT right now, I figured I would like to make my commentary on this post, from Fahad's blog.
Fahad offer's data in his post, which is very valuable, that I would like to include in my comment,
"The cost of colleges is increasing every year. Comparing with last year tuition and fees for colleges, this year costs have:
6.6% increase at public four-year colleges,
6.3% increase at private four-year colleges, and
4.2% increase at public two-year institutions."
This is rediculous. I was accepted to the University of Texas when I graduated high school, and was very excited about it. I paid my enrollment depost, and housing deposit. When it came down to paying my first tuition, I came to find that my parents could not help me with that much money. I wasn't able to go, because of how darn expensive it was. Fahad also includes a quote from a Senior Policy Analyst from the College Board that talks about how the prize for college tuition is rising faster than any other economic price index. I agree with Fahad, that this is just amazing, and someone should do something about it. However; when you look at it on the split side, why should anyone do anything about it if people keep paying for it? College is not a product like you buy in the store, it is an education that everyone should be apart of. College Education should be available to everyone. I agree that the government should do something about education motivation. This country is not motivated at ALL, to do anything besides play video games, and hang out and do nothing. While the rest of the world is getting smarter, and making more and more money, we are doing the exact opposite. Something needs to change. Great article Fahad!!!
here is a link to his blog...

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