Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Stage Five

Ok, so it is Halloween again, another year, another round. Tonight is going to be pretty nuts for the some; hopefully it won’t get to rowdy in my neck of the woods. Before this glorious night must come, I would like to tell you folks about an article I found today on the Drudge Report concerning Hilary Clinton, and what she had to say concerning the war in her debate on Tuesday. This great article titled, “Obama criticizes Clinton” by: Amy Lorentzen concludes to me, that Clinton is far from being close to the “office”.
In Tuesday’s debate, when Clinton was asked several questions concerning the war, her answers were very vague, and left everyone guessing where she stood. This article is mainly Obama’s point of view on how Clinton responded to these questions, and he is quite concerned for the American people that she is perhaps misleading. According to the article, Obama was especially concerned when Hilary was asked about her papers from her years as first Lady. He was concerned because Hilary is running on her record as first lady, just as much as her record as Senator; but how are the people to judge that record if documents are kept locked away? This debate was not good for Hilary, because up to this point she was gaining in the polls. This debate could very well leave her out of the election.
Obama pointing out all of these less-than-straightforward answers from Hilary caused a response from the Clinton campaign. It said that, “Obama is abandoning his pledge to run a positive campaign, or as he described it, the politics of hope. The campaign also posted a Web video arguing that her rivals had been piling on.” Obama responded with, “The politics of hope does not mean hoping that your opponents aren't going to point out the differences between you and them.” Obama continued to draw clear differences between himself and Hilary. Obama feels very confident that he will be elected over Hilary because, “he has put forward probably the toughest set of ethics rules for how an Obama administration would operate compared to any other candidate.”
I was at work during this debate, therefore I did not get to see it, but from what I have heard, and read, Hilary did not make herself look like President Material. Here is a direct link to this article for your enjoyment..

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