Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Stage Seven

Today, I gave a brief presentation in government class about the Clinton campaign in Iowa yesterday. Both Iowa and New Hampshire are big campaign states that both the Democratic and Republican parties wish to win. The source from which I got the information provided in my presentation was The New York Times. An article written by: PATRICK HEALY, titled, “Bill Clinton Flatly Asserts He Opposed War at Start”. From the title you already get a good feel for what is going on, if you have been paying attention in political USA. During the campaign swing for his wife, Bill flatly opposed of the war in Iraq, “from the beginning”.
Before our troops were sent over to Iraq, Bill did not precisely declare that he opposed the war. A week before military action began, however, he did say that he preferred to give weapons inspections more time and that an invasion was not necessary to topple Saddam Hussein. Bill said several times that he would not have attacked Iraq in the manner that President Bush had done. Reporters in Iowa accused Bill of fuzzing the historical record to make the Clintons appear more antiwar than they actually were at the time. The funny thing is, Hillary voted in FAVOR of a Senate resolution authorizing military action against Iraq in 2002. Then had the nerve of saying she was misled by Mr. Bush.
To start my commentary on this article, I would like to first say that this is hilarious. How can you vote along side with Bush, and then say you were misled to a state that disagrees to win votes? Do candidates do this because it works? The answer is probably yes because no one cares to know, or find out. The next thing we will hear is Hillary saying the exact opposite to another state, and she will get away with it because the American people are ignorant. If it weren’t for this government class of mine, I wouldn’t even know. I do not like how a former impeached President goes to his wife’s campaign, and disagrees with what the President is doing. After he says it, he claims he would have said something sooner, but didn’t think it was right for him to tell Bush he’s making the wrong decisions right when he gets in office. Saying it now doesn’t make it any better Bill. He needs to let his wife run her own campaign, and not bud in and make himself look bad. Hillary is not going to win the election, partially because of little things such as this incident. Here is a link to the article if interested…

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